Melanie Eberhardt - Artist

Blog Post


Welcome to the World Baby Nettie!

Aunt Mel was very excited when her first horse, GiGi, was bred to a beautiful Arabian stallion named Kantos. GiGi grew bigger and bigger as her due date drew near. At the time, GiGi and Kain were boarded at a private barn in Roswell. Aunt Mel was well prepared for the baby and planned to be at the barn to see the entire event.

But GiGi had other plans. She gave birth to Nettie a month early in the middle of the night. Aunt Mel received a call from the barn manager at 6 a.m., “come to the barn, there’s a surprise waiting for you in GiGi’s stall.” Aunt Mel couldn’t get to the barn fast enough.

GiGi was standing over a little red baby. The baby was sound asleep having already stood and nursed, she was ready for a nap. She was bright red with a white strip and pink nose. She was the size of a baby deer and mostly long legs. Aunt Mel petted GiGi and told her she was a good girl.

 When the baby woke from her nap, Aunt Mel petted and played with her. She was very sweet and loved the attention. But she loved to eat more. She nursed frequently and GiGi took very good care of her. They had an immediate strong bond.

GiGi taught Nettie may things. She was taught to poop along the left side of  her stall, starting in the back corner and pooping in piles toward the front. She was taught horse language so she would get along in the herd. For instance, rolling your head means “move” to horses. GiGi and Nettie never hesitate to roll their heads at Kain or Joe, telling them to move away from the hay or else! Nettie is very bright and a pleasure to manage thanks to GiGi’s instructions.

Nettie grew quickly and as she grew, she also changed color. By her third birthday she was grey like her mother. Unlike her dainty mother, she was much bigger – taller, wider, stronger.

GiGi and Nettie spend their days in the pasture with Kain and Joe and sometimes other horses. They always stick together, like a team, eating side by side, snoozing side by side. When Nettie is really tired and lies down to sleep, GiGi stands guard over her.

Nettie loves her mother and does as GiGi dictates. She doesn’t mind taking orders from her mother but she seems to enjoy breaks when she works with Aunt Mel in the other pastures.  GiGi yells at her over the fence and Nettie always nickers back to assure her mother that she’s ok with Aunt Mel.

It is hard to imagine life without the two pasture bosses, GiGi and Nettie. It makes Aunt Mel happy that mother and daughter are able to spend their entire lives together. They rule the pasture and the farm. They are two very happy, beautiful Arabian mares.

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